Rekindled Collaboration with DOH SOCCSKSARGEN

Our collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH) SOCCSKSARGEN, a trusted partner since 2021, remains steadfast as we continue to explore avenues for utilizing health data to advance our shared goal of achieving a health-resilient Philippines. Recently, we engaged in discussions aimed at harnessing the power of health data to address pressing community-related health issues and enhance healthcare delivery in the region.

This collaborative effort provided a valuable platform for both the DOH regional office and our center to exchange insights, discuss challenges, and identify opportunities for future collaboration. Together, we explored strategies for optimizing the utilization of health data to inform evidence-based decision-making and drive targeted interventions that address the unique health needs of communities in SOCCSKSARGEN.

As part of our ongoing partnership, we also revisited our involvement in the implementation of the South Cotabato - Provincewide Health System (SC-PWHS), a significant initiative aimed at strengthening healthcare systems and improving health outcomes in the region. Our contributions to this initiative underscore our commitment to leveraging innovative solutions and partnerships to drive positive change and promote health resilience.

Moving forward, we are committed to deepening our collaboration with DOH SOCCSKSARGEN and exploring new opportunities for joint action. By working together to harness the full potential of health data and foster meaningful partnerships, we are confident that we can make significant strides towards building a healthier, more resilient Philippines for all.